Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Well I'm in the train now coughing away because of me rushing off a cigarette minutes ago.

It has been awhile since I blogged. Well, it was an emotional roller coaster ride and is still is.

Working two jobs and studying two diploma is no joke. Recently the company has reached 100k$ in confirmed grants. Now I can feel progress. Like what one of my board members said to me recently, "Faris you has past the main challenge and now it is more smooth sailing". Imagine working for 6months and not getting paid and even more ambiguous, there is no certainty on how it will developed. Alhamdulilah.

I just received a call from a journalist who wants to meet me tommorrow. Hopefully it will help what I'm doing.

Internship is good because it has a degree of flexibility that can be positively manipulated

Thanks and regards: Faris
Sent from my iPhone

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