Friday, October 17, 2008

11k from nAtional arts council is here. Wee. Honestly I am dead tired. I so wanna get loose. I'm in the bus home. Well I had a lunch mtg with martin executive director of halogen foundation. It was more of me catching up with an ally in the company's objectives. Night was spent with my accts manager to go through finance. I'm really brain dead. You know .. In this pursuit, you get to meet all kind of people. I'm touched at some people's sincerity.

Anyway I was in a mtg 2days and my nice ex commented on my status shout out of Faris need to go gym to be healthy. I knew abt it from my email but was not able to delete the comment via my phone. She said it is because you Faris smokes too much. I SMS her saying you crazy in talk about my smoking in a public space. She then said well Faris should accept reality. She eventually deleted it though.

To think about it, I'm smoking more. Almost 1 pack a day. Nooooo

What should I do?

Thanks and regards: Faris
Sent from my iPhone

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You should save the money and treat me to a nice dinner;)